I was born and raised in Toyama, Japan. After studying mechanical engineering at Tokyo University of Science, I was apprenticed to a Japanese luthier Kenji Sugita for eight years to acquire traditional woodworking skills and learned lutherie under Ervin Somogyi for two years.
Ervin gave me a significant impetus and direction to my lutherie life. Then I started my own shop in my hometown Toyama, Japan. I build fine custom acoustic guitars and ukuleles.
My craftsmanship and refined sense of design/engineering make it possible to create unique musical stringed instruments. It is based on traditional woodworking skills and a scientific approach. It means that I have qualitative and quantitative eyes simultaneously.
Another characteristic is about my design. It is based on Wabi-Sabi, Japanese aesthetics of beauty that represents “quiet simplicity”. I am a minimalist in my own life and my motto is “Live simply”. I would be pleased if you find the aesthetics of subtraction from Zen Art in my works.
私は富山県高岡市というものづくりの盛んな町で生まれ育ち、小さい頃はものを作るのが好きな子供でした。大学で機械工学を学ぶと同時に、音楽やギターにのめり込み、いつしかギター製作家を志すようになりました。スギクラフト・杉田健司氏に師事し、木工とギター作りの基礎を学んだ後、アメリカカリフォルニア州のギター製作家Ervin Somogyi氏のもとで音作りの感性を磨きました。